Interior Design & Fashion Meet.
Image: myworldd blog
söndag 18 oktober 2009
Sunday is here and it's just the best and worst day of the week. I just really wanna get into my math and just rest the rest of the day and maybe enjoy life.
Anyhow, in a few days I'll be in New York. My must-see list contains: - The Missoni Store BOUTIQUE MISSONI 1009 Madison Avenue 10021 NEW YORK - Bergdorf Goodman - Dinner with Kenny at Buddakan (Meatpacking District) - and Guggenheim - Avoiding the statue of Liberty
onsdag 7 oktober 2009
Rihanna, Poppy Delavingne, Platinum Blond (THE colour this fall) and Anna Dello Russo. Chanel is bringing the big guns, as always.
Although, Dello Russo has brought out the complete LOOK for this fall for me during this Fashion Chanel I, for the first time, thought twice about her choice in show-gear.
The colour I'm loving. but it's the ensamble in itself that is just not all that ... well, workable. She looks real comfy 'tho.
The Sartorialist ( has captured her on several images during this month. And she's looking F-I-N-E!
FinallyLilyAllen'smusichas hit thebiglights.TheKarl-lights.
It's OK thatthesongstartedwaybeforeshe got uponstage. I loveherto bits. And thenew CD is way better thanthefirstone.
Ifshegetsthiner, I'llhave a meltdown. "I willcomeundone". ( A RachelZoe-ism).
The shocking news of Lindsay Lohan designing for Ungaro...It has not yet helped my mind to be at ease.
How do you melt such a news?
Adorable charity-case Lindsay is the soo-hot-to-be star, everybody loves her and hates her and I just have a crave for the silicon-filled-to-the-max lips of hers.
Makes me randy.
She is very talented at her stuff. Not Ungaro's stuff. Can you believe the meltdown Ungaro's talented designer must have had when she found out "your new partner in crime is Ms Localohan" Yikes...Hopefully she phainted and don't remember that specific situation for years to come.
Helping her cope with the fact that she has to listen to advice from the former coke-bigbreasted-actress-carsmashing-chainsmoking-implantfan singer.